Cellini’s Revenge
The Mystery of the Silver Cups
Book 2

This second volume in the Cellini’s Revenge series focuses on how Peter Evans’ life and the Cellini curse from over 400 years before intertwine, and how the fight between two brothers over the Cellini cups haunts the story throughout.

Calamities happen, accidents continue, and Peter’s existence leads into unforeseen catastrophes. Peter hunts for his father and experiences endless disappointment, while his mother, Angela, keeps her secrets.

Peter finds Jeannie exciting, but the beginning of the Women’s Movement comes between them, nearly causing Peter’s undoing.

And in spite of his being a detective and looking outwards to find society’s culprits, Peter must cope with his own family’s secrets and lies, while his fatherhood is tested by his three schoolchildren.

What really happened with Jeannie? Who is his father, and why won’t Angela tell him? Is his family cursed?

Look for Book 3 of Cellini’s Revenge in Spring 2021.

“A good mystery keeps the reader on their toes, and always has at least one major twist. This second book of this trilogy does not disappoint. Cellini’s Revenge: Book 2, is a mystery wrapped in several mysteries. Two are solved by the end of this book. The other, which is the theme of the trilogy, is yet to be unwrapped in Book 3.” —Helen Cameron, Ph.D, Higher Education Administration

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